We love to celebrate family, it’s been our great privilege to serve families, big and small, for many years. Under the umbrella of family are friends and people we share our lives with.
We love the dynamics of families, no two are ever the same. Families are as unique as the individuals that make them up.
Celebrating the unity of family requires cherishing the individuality of personalities that make a family a family. That’s why we have so many individual experiences to enjoy.
Family shoots, which include individual photos, maternity shoots, baby sessions, and of course pet shoots. Come and enjoy one of our photoshoots soon, let our family welcome your family 🙂 You can find links to all our photoshoots here, which can be purchased for yourself or as gifts.
Below are some family orientated quote graphics to enjoy.
when all the dust settles family is allnothing more precious than familyfamily to promote world peacefamily love you mostfamily is the most important thingfamily is sharing love not just blood
We love to serve families at our studio in Leigh and have been serving the local area since 2008. Families come in all shapes and sizes with all sorts of characters at the heart of them. Families as small as two and as large as, well, many.
Great families lie at the heart of our communities and should be celebrated and treasured.
We specialise in celebrating families with photoshoots for each and every one of the family members as individuals as well as to enjoy and share together.
Our love of serving families runs deep, we love our family of relatives and friends, who include customers who we’ve got to know well over the years as we’ve seen their family grow and evolve. It’s a privilege to have an opportunity to capture those moments in time that will long be treasured, celebrating milestones, stages, and events in their lives.
I decided to write the following piece about my thoughts about family, hope you enjoy it…..
Family don’t have to be blood related, they can include friends, pets, neighbours, colleagues. It’s not about the genes we have in common it’s about the love we share. Love is what connects us, what bonds us together, what fills us up.
Family energises us because if someone else can have belief in us, we have permission to believe in ourselves.
A family can be as small as two or has big as many. If you’re alone don’t be, reach out, there are people who care. We care! Strangers are potentially family you’ve yet to get to know.
You can’t take family for granted, they are a blessing not a promise. Love and care for them, share and bond with them. Celebrate their individualism and the uniqueness of your shared connection because no two connections will ever be the same.
When we experience the loss of a loved one, it is often the things that drove us mad in life that we miss of them in death, at least it has been in my experience.
Our faults and hang ups are part of what make us uniquely us. Give them space to be appreciated in ourselves and in others, particularly family, and not just in death but in life.
Love, cherish, celebrate each other every day. Smile, laugh and remember good times shared and never forget.
I know this isn’t technically anything to do with photography, but as with photographs, such videos bring back fond memories, long forgotten. They are a link to people and places that meant something to us.
I just love this song, conjures memories of days gone by. As a child, l loved to watch the movies that Sammy Davis Jr starred in, and through them got to enjoy his persona.
But I’ve learned to appreciate these artists even more as I’ve got older. Maybe it’s a craving for my youth, when times seemed less complicated. I’m not sure they were any less complicated in reality, maybe it’s just a fact that now I’m over 50, I have more to look back on than I have to look forward to (heavy that isn’t it, sorry but true). This song has a sadness to it, a sentimentality and reminds me of people sadly no longer with us, that still have a fond place in my heart. I think it’s okay to look back sometimes. Hope you enjoy the emotion of this song. Below are the lyrics to help you sing along if you’d like.
I knew a man,
And he’d dance for you
In worn out shoes,
With silver hair, a ragged shirt,
And baggy pants
He would do the old soft shoe
He could jump so high,
And then he’d lightly touch down.
I met him in a cell in New Orleans, i was,
While I was down and out,
He looked to me to be the very eyes of age, as he spoke right out, talked of life, Lord that man talked of life,
Laughed, slapped his leg and stepped.
He said his name was “Bojangles”
And he danced a lick right across the cell
He grabbed his pants, took a bitter stance, jumped up high
That’s when he clicked his heels
Then he let go laugh, Lord he let go laugh, shook back his clothes all around
That was Mr. Bojangles
Mr. Bojangles
Mr. Bojangles
Lord, he could dance
He told me of the times, he worked with minstrel shows, travelling around the south
He spoke with tears of fifteen years how his dog and he,
They used to travel all about
But his dog up and died, dog up and died
And after twenty years he still grieved.
He said “I dance now and every chance a honky-tonk, for my drinks and tips
But most of the time I spend behind these county bars, you see son, I drinks a bit.”
Then he shook his head
Lord, when he shook his head,
I could swear I heard someone say please
Mr. Bojangles
A-Mr. Bojangles
Mr. Bojangles
Come back and dance, please dance
Come on and dance now
A-Mr. Bojangles,
Mr. Bojangles,
Mr. Bojangles, dance
Come back and dance, Mr. Bojangles…
Family stick drawings are a fun, unique opportunity to showcase family members and can be printed on a variety of finishes, from prints to acrylics, and look specially impressive on metallic finishes. The lovely family below enjoyed a family portrait at our studio and are illustrated above. But you don’t have to come for a family portrait session, just send us over a family photo and we’ll do the rest.
These are obviously unique commissions and may take a few weeks to complete, so if you’re interested in capturing your family please drop us an email and we’ll provide further information.
family portraits at Mike Turner Photographystick figures at Mike Turner photographystick figures at Mike Turner photography
Mike Turner Photography: Make your brand stand out
If you don’t already understand how important Content marketing is for the future success of big and small brands online then, you will inevitably discover soon enough, as your social and search results start to suffer.
According to Cisco, by 2017, video will account for 69% of all consumer internet traffic. So if you aren’t yet creating video content, you should, at the very least be making moves in that direction.
Video is fast becoming the preferred means for people to consume content, both for entertainment and information gathering purposes.
You can fight this trend all you like, but while you do so, your competitors will be serving your “potential” audience with the very content they want, the way they want it.
Video content is an investment, it is your future lead generator. Providing upfront value through the provision of content, helps to build trust and liking in your brand, two things that are essential if you’re to gain traction online.
Branding your videos, whether hosting them publicly on Youtube or Wistia and embedding in your website, or listing privately, it is essentially important to gain strong brand recognition, to that end we are providing an incredibly cost effective service for professional quality video logo animations.
For just £20 each, you can add that extra perception of professionalism to your video content, and ensure you brand is noticed. Check some examples out below.
We’ll advise you for the best look and format for your logo. All we need is a high quality source file of your logo. We can even redraw it for you, but this would be an additional charge.
Make no mistake, video is the future, jump on board now before you start losing ground to your competitors. Drop me an email to discuss.
But just to outline how it works:
#1 You choose the design you like from the video below
#2 You send me your logo design file
#3 You drop me an email and we arrange payment via Paypal, Debit or Credit card
#4 We create your custom animated logo, using the colours in your logo etc
#5 We email the logo to you in mp4 format, all done